• Who is A. Voyeur?

    As it states on A. Voyeur’s blog (said wordpress can be found HERE) A. Voyeur is the pen name of an author who writes romance, and is used for an outlet of smut and fun.

    And yes, that other author is me.

    A. Voyeur was created for two reasons: to test the waters of erotica on Amazon’s KU platform, and to simply have some fun writing.

    Every now and then, writers will get so bogged down in plot, story arcs, character development and research (basically the basis of writing) that they forget to have some fun. And for me, as a writer, smut is my fun.

    I know a lot of my readers will call BS on that, because my stories do tend to fade to black a little. 😉 My romance writing is about the characters, and while there will always be some smut, it’s not page after page of sex. I publish them under the category of “romance” not “erotica” because that’s what they are. Yes, sex is important – particularly if it shows character growth and relationship development – and sometimes it’s just gratuitous, because sometimes that’s what sex is.

    But ultimately, books published under the name N.R. Walker will not contain copious amounts of sex.

    Now A. Voyeur books are a different story. Literally, and figuratively. 🙂

    Titled Gay Club Sex Stories 1 & 2, they are super short (book one is 13.6k and book two is 11K), and each book contain separate, different sex scenes. Book 1 has 5 scenes, Book 2 has 4.  There is no plot, no story arc, no character development. These are just smut for the sake of smut.

    Why different pen names?  It’s really not uncommon for authors to use different pen names for different genres, and it really is just a way to keep my laundry sorted, if you know what I mean.

    The covers are fun (and made by me, as you can probably tell LOL)

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    PLEASE NOTE: These books come with a warning. They contain material some will find offensive, so reader caution is advised. Scenes include bareback, cum-play, some bondage, and some serious sacrilegious content. If that’s not your thing, don’t read these books. If it is, then I hope you enjoy 🙂

    There was going to be a third, but that’s yet to be decided. I have other deadlines and commitments to meet first, but I do like to never say never.

    Sooo, if you’re looking for something different, short, hot, smutty, mindless entertainment, then you can check them out at these links:

    Gay Sex Club Stories 1

    Gay Sex Club Stories 2

    AVoyeur banner 1

  • Nine New Covers Reveals!!

    I have LOTS of new covers to show off!  Nine to be exact!!

    I made the decision for my books currently listed with Totally Bound to stay with them, instead of me self-publishing them. Totally Bound is rebranding their LGBTQ section to now fall under Pride Publishing, and to celebrate the launch of this new press, they’re revamping existing titles.

    Not only do my books get new covers, but I’ve also added some additional content to them! (NOTE:  My Turning Point Series will NOT include additional content, but Elements of Retrofit, Clarity of Lines, Sense of Place, Three’s Company, and Taxes and TARDIS will.) And they will be re-released throughout August, available in ebook and paperback at the same time (apparently).

    This new content is generally added to the end of the book, not integrated throughout. So, in my Thomas Elkin Series, we have approximately 2000 words at the end of each book added, and finally Cooper gets to have his say! That’s right, each book has a small chapter of Cooper POV. 🙂

    Three’s Company has both a prologue and an epilogue.  The short prologue (1500 words) is told from Simon’s POV, and the epilogue (3300 words) is back to Wil’s POV. 🙂

    Taxes and TARDIS now has a gorgeous little epilogue (2000 words), which was probably my favourite additional content to write.  I think everyone will agree when they read it. 🙂

    The Turning Point Series doesn’t include any additional content. In my heart, these stories are complete. The three books have a combined word count of 220,000, and trying to add more to Matt and Kira’s story felt forced and wrong.  I struggled with what to do for four weeks before I finally decided not to do those boys an injustice by adding content that would detract from their story.

    From my understanding, anyone who purchased my titles originally from Totally Bound will be able to download the updated books for free.

    So, without further adieu, the covers…













    I also received my cover for the Italian translation of Blindside! OMG it’s gorgeous! And will be available for purchase on July 7th.


    And in other cover news, I have had the lovely Sara York resizing my paperback covers to all now be 5×8, not the 6×9 they were previously and any/all formatting issues will be fixed. Cronin’s Key I & II are already available in 5×8, but I’m awaiting proofs of my RDH series and Blind Faith series before I let them go live. I will advise when this happens, and will be adding an order form to my website if anyone would like a signed copy. You will be able to pay for them through PayPal. 🙂

    Aaaaand, lastly (but super excitedly) I will be giving Sixty Five Hours and Learning to Feel new covers as well. The very talented Mina has graciously agreed to help me give these books new covers. I thought it was very fitting that a friend I have known since my fandom days is giving my ex-fandom books new life 🙂  I will share pics when I have them!!!

    Soooo, I think revealing 9 covers at once is pretty amazing and I hope you like them.  <3 <3