• SURPRISE RELEASE!! Dearest Milton James is OUT NOW!

    I know I promised to drop the cover, blurb, and pre-order link… but I decided to hit ‘publish’ instead of ‘pre-order’  LOL



    Malachi Keogh finds himself in a job he neither wanted nor asked for when his father, boss of Sydney’s postal service, sends him to the end of the business line, aka The Dead Letter Office. Malachi expects tedious and boring but instead discovers a warehouse with a quirky bunch of misfit co-workers, including a stoic and nerdy boss, Julian Pollard.

    Malachi’s intrigued by Julian at first, and he soon learns there’s more to the man than his boring clothes of beige, tan, and brown; a far cry from Malachi’s hot pink, lilac, and electric blue. Where Julian is calm and ordered, Malachi is chaos personified, but despite their outward differences, there’s an immediate chemistry between them that sends Malachi’s head—and heart—into a spin.

    To keep his father happy, Malachi needs to keep this job. He also needs to solve the mystery of the pile of old letters that sits in Julian’s office and maybe get to the bottom of what makes Julian tick. Like everything that goes through the mail centre, only time will tell if Malachi has found his intended destination or if he’ll find himself returned to sender.

    #gayromance #forbiddenlove #oppositesattract #comedy


    I hope you enjoy it! And please remember to review. It means a lot!

  • The Weight of It All is just 99c!

    My wildly popular The Weight Of It All, Henry and Reed’s story, is just 99c – for a short time only. If you’ve never read it before, or if you’ve only ever borrowed it on KU, then now is your chance to grab it.

    It’s also whispersynced, so now is a great time to grab the audio!

    It will be going back to $4.99 in one week.





    After being dumped by his long-term boyfriend for being overweight, Henry Beckett decides to make some drastic changes. In a vain attempt at getting his boyfriend back, Henry does the most absurdly frightening thing he can think of. He joins a gym.

    Reed Henske is a personal trainer who isn’t sure he’ll ever be ready to date again. He’s sick of guys who are only interested in the perfect body image, never seeing him for who he really is. As Reed tortures Henry with things like diet and exercise, Henry enamours Reed with recipes and laughter.

    As the friendship lines start to blur, Henry is convinced there’s no way Thor-like Reed could ever be interested in a guy like him. Reed just has to convince Henry that life isn’t about reaching your ideal body weight. It’s about finding your perfect counterweight.


    Be back later this week with a cover and blurb release (and pre-order links) for my next book!!

  • Translations Update ~ Italian, Chinese, French, German, and Spanish

    I know it’s been a little while since I updated. Life’s been busy and I’m trying to write and hopefully get my productivity back to what it was before I broke my brain back in October 2020. I’ll post again next week with my new release news – my next book should be out in the next few weeks. Yay!

    But I come today with translation news!

    It’s always exciting to have my books released in other languages. It still, after all these years and releases, blows my mind that people in all corners of the globe read my books. I’ll never get tired of it.

    I’m branching out with two new languages, Spanish and Chinese, which will be trial and error. They are both an unknown market for me but I’m excited to see how they go! And I have some releases with Italian and French and German as well. There are a few to talk about in five different languages, so let’s get started…


    Ho Trovato Te (Finders Keepers) is up for pre-order. It is released on August 24th

    Griffin Burke sente il bisogno di dare una svolta alla propria vita, perciò si trasferisce da Brisbane a Coolum Beach per intraprendere un nuovo lavoro. Tutto ciò che desidera sono bellissime distese di sabbia candida, acque cristalline, cieli blu e calde brezze estive. Quello che trova è un cagnolino smarrito e affamato, tutto ricoperto di fango, con una medaglietta che riporta un nome e un numero di telefono.
    Dane Hughes è bloccato a Surfers Paradise per un corso d’aggiornamento di una settimana, quando la madre gli telefona sconvolta. Wicket, il suo cane, il suo bimbo peloso, è scappato. Impossibilitato a muoversi, impotente e disperato, riceve un messaggio da un ragazzo. «Credo di aver trovato il tuo cane…»
    Griffin e Dane iniziano a chiacchierare e Griffin si impegna ad accudire Wicket finché Dane non potrà andare a prenderlo. Avendo alcuni giorni liberi prima dell’inizio del nuovo lavoro, Griffin porta Wicket con sé alla scoperta dell’area costiera, poi invia a Dane le foto delle loro entusiasmanti avventure. Ha così inizio qualcosa di tenero e meraviglioso.
    Griffin si è trasferito a Coolum alla ricerca di una nuova vita, ma ciò che ha trovato è persino più prezioso. Un amico a quattro zampe potrebbe fornirgli l’aiuto che gli serve per non farselo sfuggire.



    I’m very excited to announce that Blind Faith is currently serialised online.





    Coming soon!

    I’m really excited to see how the Spanish market works! Please note these translations are for the ES market/store of Amazon, not the MX or BR stores. They have been translated by someone who lives in Spain (is Spanish) not from the Americas. These books are not released yet, and I don’t have the buy links yet. But they are coming very soon!

    First up we have Sesenta y Cinco Horas (Sixty Five Hours) – release date TBA.  I’m soooo excited to see Cam and Lucas being translated!

    Cameron Fletcher y Lucas Hensley son ejecutivos de publicidad que tienen sesenta y cinco horas para organizar la campaña de sus carreras.

    Sesenta y cinco horas para llevarse bien. Sesenta y cinco horas para no matarse el uno al otro. Sesenta y cinco horas para enamorarse.


    Also coming soon in Spanish… Code Red!  Stay tuned for news on that one 🙂


    I’m very excited to announce that I have the following books coming out in French!

    Galaxies et Oceans (Galaxies and Oceans) will be out Sept 8th

    Saisissant sa seule chance de s’échapper, Ethan Hosking quitte son ex-petit ami violent en laissant toute sa vie derrière lui et se retrouve sur la trajectoire déchainée d’un feu de brousse. Cherchant désespérément à repartir à zéro, désormais un homme nouveau nommé Aubrey Hobbs sort de la forêt ravagée par le feu. Sans carte d’identité ni argent et avec pour seul bagage le télescope de son grand-père, il va là où la Croix du Sud le mène.

    Patrick Carney est le gardien de phare de Hadley Cove, une petite ville située sur l’île isolée de Kangaroo Island, au large de la côte sud de l’Australie. Après la mort tragique de son amant il y a quatre ans, il mène une vie solitaire ; juste lui, un chat, les océans Indien et Austral, et une bonne dose de solitude. Il est satisfait de sa vie jusqu’à ce qu’un étranger débarque et lui fasse tourner la tête.

    Patrick ne s’attendait pas à s’intéresser à quelqu’un d’autre.

    Aubrey ne s’attendait pas à être heureux.

    Entre l’amour d’Aubrey pour les étoiles et celui de Patrick pour l’océan, ces deux cœurs fragiles doivent naviguer sur de nouvelles eaux. S’ils parviennent à surmonter la tempête de leur passé, ils pourraient bien vivre un amour qui éclipse tout.


    And also…


    Coming soon! More news to come!

    If you missed it, Evolution (Evolved) was also released last month…

    En 2068, les androïdes font partie intégrante de la vie quotidienne. Big Brother ne surveille plus depuis l’ombre, il se trouve dans tous les foyers.

    Lloyd Salter a des troubles obsessionnels compulsifs et il se sent très mal à l’aise avec les autres êtres humains. Quand son ex lui affirme que la seule chose capable de lui correspondre serait un androïde, il ne l’écoute que d’une oreille. Pourtant, deux ans plus tard, Lloyd admet qu’il avait peut-être raison.

    SATinc, le plus grand fabricant d’androïdes en Australie, a inventé l’Unité Entièrement Compatible, également appelée Classe A 10. Sa dernière création est d’ailleurs l’androïde plus connu sous le nom de SHAUN.

    Shaun répond à tous les besoins de Lloyd, aussi bien physiquement qu’intellectuellement. Mais Lloyd réalise rapidement que Shaun n’est pas comme les autres : il apprend, il s’adapte.

    Personne ne doit savoir à quel point Shaun est spécial. Personne ne doit savoir qu’il a évolué.



    Also coming soon…

    The Thomas Elkin series!!  I’m so excited for Tom and Cooper to be done in German. I will have more news on this soon, the first in the series should be out this year, so please stay tuned.


    Okay so that’s all of them (I think! LOL)  Thank you all for allowing me to have my books translated into many languages. I certainly couldn’t have done it without my readers.  I’ll be back next week with news on my upcoming release.

    Much love. Until then…