Taxes and TARDIS

  • Good Morning Monday ~ Taxes and TARDIS is FREE for a short time only!


    I have a few things to share with you today! First of all, I wanted to send out a HUGE thanks to everyone who has bought and read Pieces of Me! I scored that little orange #1 Best-seller badge in six countries! Guys, it just blows me away that people read my stuff all over the world!

    Anyway, if you missed the pre-order link for Pieces of Me, you can find it…



    June 30th is the end of the financial year in Australia so I thought it was an extremely appropriate time to make Taxes and TARDIS freeeeeeee!!  Brent would be so impressed with this!!

    Universal Amazon:





    Brent is a jock, Logan a geek; these men are a world apart. But if opposites attract, maybe it’s the differences between them that make it worth the fight.

    Brent Kelly is a laid-back electrician whose only concerns are drinks with friends and which man to bed next. In need of a new accountant to sort out his nightmarish shoebox of tax receipts, he’s referred to Logan Willis.
    He doesn’t expect to be intrigued by the science fiction-loving, geeky guy with dark-rimmed glasses and a TARDIS-blue shirt. So his fascination with the soft-spoken Englishman surprises him, and their mutual attraction is completely unexpected. He most certainly never expects to fall in love.
    One a jock and the other a geek, both men know the differences between them are vast and could cause problems. But in this opposites-attract erotic drama, maybe it’s the differences between them that make staying together worth the fight.

    Sooooo, if you’re yet to read this book, now is the time to grab it. It will be free on Amazon for June 30th and July 1st – in your time zone.  And it will only be free on those two days, then it goes back to the regular price.


    Sooo ACX is still holding Throwing Hearts hostage. It’s been like 12 weeks or something ridiculous. I’m beginning to think it will never be released. LOL

    But in good news, Imago is out on the 30th!  Antony Ferguson is at the mic, and I can’t wait for Lawson and Jack to be out in audio-land!! It is available for pre-order at the link below.



    WiP news…

    Currently at 15K words it’s still depressingly slow. LOL But there’s a lot of research and world-building so I’m trying to take that into account and not feel so bad LOL

    Anywhooooo, I’ll be back next week with the cover and title of Book 3 in the Missing Pieces series!!  Oh, and the paperbacks of Pieces of You and Pieces of Me are available and they’re gorrrrrrgeous!

    Until then…

  • Good Morning Monday ~ Weekly Update!

    Just a super quick post from me today!  I’ve had a pretty crap week to be honest, and my writing hasn’t been great. But all word counts are good word counts, so I’ll take what I can get. Fingers crossed this week will be better all round 🙂

    WiP update: Galaxies and Oceans is at 34K, and we’ve one attempted kiss and one rebuff. LOL!!  I’d LOVE to write 10K this week but given I have a re-release and I’m arguing with Createspace about copyright of two books, it’s probably not likely!

    Taxes and TARDIS is due for re-release on the 22nd. I can not wait for this to be out again!!

    And the issue with Createspace (the paperback division of Amazon) seems to be on-going. They’ve pulled the paperbacks of Finders Keepers and Elements of Retrofit, requesting verification of copyright. The thing is, according to them via the two phone calls I’ve made to the US about this, is that they’re understaffed and won’t have a human to look at the issue until probably next Wednesday. Helpful, huh?

    I apologise to any readers who this has inconvenienced. Fingers crossed the issue is resolved soon, and favourably.

    In other news, I have registered as a Featured Author for GRL2018 which is in Virginia this year. BUT I should preface this with my attendance will depend on my daughter’s end of year exams. In Australia, we have 2-3 weeks of final exams, and they’re usually around October. I’m waiting for the school to confirm, so I’ll make my decision after that. So, my attendance at this point is pending.

    Hopefully I’ll know soon and can start planning 🙂

    That’s it for this week! I told you it was short. LOL  I’ll see you all next Monday!

    Until then… <3

  • Good Morning Monday ~ Cover reveal for Taxes and TARDIS re-release!!

    Good Morning Monday!! God, these Mondays just keep coming at me, fast. It also didn’t help that last week I scheduled the post to go out on Sunday and not Monday LOL People who know me shouldn’t be surprised… 😛

    So, Finders Keepers had a spectacular week! Truly. #1 in Gay Romance, but also #56 in all of Amazon store in the Fiction category. That’s kind of awesome! So a HUGE thank you to everyone who bought or rented Finders Keepers, and to those who reviewed. Every little thing helps visibility, so thank you!

    WIP update:  Galaxies and Oceans (now the confirmed title) is at 27K. I didn’t get as much written as I’d have liked, but I’m happy with the progress. Especially with what I have going on in real life, and a release week. Oh, and edits on a re-release too…

    Which brings me to my next thing…

    The re-release of Taxes and TARDIS! I am SO excited to get the rights back to this book. Like REEEEEALLY excited! This was the first book I ever published, so to get it back from the publisher makes my heart very happy!

    Re-release date is Feb 22nd (Amazon willing) and it has been re-edited, though no new content has been added since the 2015 edition. (The 2015 edition had an epilogue added) and of course, the GORGEOUS new cover.

    I simply adored the very first cover this book ever had. And when Silver Publishing disappeared, so did that version. But I loved the cover so much, I contacted the original cover artist and asked if I could replicate it and make it my own.

    I’m so very happy to show you, the forever-cover for Taxes and TARDIS…

    The new edition will be just 99c for a limited time!

    I’ll post the links when it goes live ASAP!

    And in VERY exciting audio news, Spencer Cohen Book One will be out Feb 16th!!!  You can see it now on Tantor’s site, and it will hit Audible SOON! I can’t wait!!

    Okay, that’s it for this week! Have a good one everybody, and I’ll see you next week! Until then…


  • Good Morning Monday! Finders Keepers is OUT NOW and a giveaway!

    What an exciting release day it was for Finders Keepers!!  I’m so thrilled that everyone seems to have enjoyed Dane and Griffin’s story, and Wicket too, of course. 🙂  It’s a feel-good light-hearted story that readers have appreciated. Real life and the political climate we live in have provided enough angst for us all lately, so a dose of fluff and sunshine really seemed to hit the mark with a lot of people!

    It went straight to #2 in the US and UK and #1 in Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, and France. I’m so very honoured, and completely humbled. Thank you to everyone who took a chance on me, and who continue to read and love my boys. <3

    You can find Finders Keepers on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. The Global Amazon/KU link is:


    Needing a change of scene, Griffin Burke moves from Brisbane to Coolum Beach to start a new job. The beautiful white sand, aqua-coloured ocean, blue skies, and summer breezes are everything he longs for. What he finds is a mud-covered dog, lost and hungry, with a nametag and a phone number.
    Dane Hughes is stuck in Surfers Paradise at a week-long work conference when he gets a phone call from his distraught mother. His dog, his fur baby, Wicket, has run away. Unable to leave and feeling helpless and miserable, he gets a text from a guy. “I think I found your dog…”
    Griffin and Dane start talking, and Griffin agrees to look after Wicket until Dane can collect him. With a few days left before his new job starts, Griffin takes Wicket on some coastal adventures and sends Dane photos of their fun, and so the start of something new and kind of wonderful begins.
    Griffin might have moved to Coolum in search of a new life, but what he finds is so much more. What he gets to keep just might take some four-legged help.

    Now about that giveaway!!

    Go to this link: FINDERS KEEPERS GIVEAWAY to enter!!

    Prizes include 2 x $20 Amazon gift cards, 2 x signed paperbacks of Finders Keepers and some other great prizes!!

    My weekly WIP update: Galaxies and Oceans is now at 17K words. I was hoping to crack the 20K (I like even numbers LOL) but release day of Finders Keepers put a stop to that. The two main characters, Patrick and Aubrey, are just beautiful. I’m really loving their story at the moment!

    Still aiming for a June release!

    On Facebook, I’m part of a group called Queer Romance Freebie Fan Club, or QRFFC for short. There’s a bunch of authors who like to randomly give stuff away 🙂 Feel free to join! But we’ve started a thing where we do Q&A so members can get to know the hosting authors, and I thought I’d share the weekly questions with you!

    This week’s question was: “How did you decide to write in your genre?”

    My answer:  “I didn’t really ‘decide’ – I found m/m in fanfiction and have only rarely gone back to male/female pairings. The characters that speak to me are male, and LGBT. Until that changes, I’m here to stay.”

    Not very exciting LOL! But I hope you’ll find the little snippets and fun facts of me as a writer interesting.

    This coming week, I have days when I won’t be writing, so my word count won’t be great. But sometimes it can’t be helped. Real life has to intervene sometimes, right?  But next Monday I’ll be showing off the new cover of Taxes and TARDIS, scheduled for re-release on Feb 22nd! It’s been re-edited, but no new content has been added since the 2015 edition.

    Until then… <3

  • Review for Taxes and Tardis

    Thanks to Brandilyn at Prism Alliance for a lovely review of Taxes and Tardis!



    Brent is a jock, Logan a geek, these men are a world apart. But if opposites attract, maybe it’s the differences between them that make it worth the fight.

    Brent Kelly is a laid-back tradesman whose only concerns are drinks with friends and which man to bed next. In need of a new accountant to sort out his nightmarish shoebox of tax receipts, he’s referred to Logan Willis.

    He doesn’t expect to be intrigued by the science fiction-loving, geeky guy with dark-rimmed glasses and a TARDIS-blue shirt. So his fascination with the soft-spoken Englishman surprises him, and their mutual attraction is completely unexpected. He most certainly never expects to fall in love.

    One a jock and the other a geek, both men know the differences between them are vast and could cause problems. But in this opposites-attract erotic drama, maybe it’s the differences between them that make staying together worth the fight.

    Review: 4*… “Taxes & TARDIS is one of those titles I couldn’t resist purely because of the geek factor. If I remember correctly, it was my second ever NR Walker story back in the day. I have read every edition of the story to date. While the core story has not changed, it’s presentation has gotten tighter with each iteration. With the most recent edition, Walker gave us a little extra at the end in the form of a sweet and beautiful epilogue.” Read the rest here.

  • Nine New Covers Reveals!!

    I have LOTS of new covers to show off!  Nine to be exact!!

    I made the decision for my books currently listed with Totally Bound to stay with them, instead of me self-publishing them. Totally Bound is rebranding their LGBTQ section to now fall under Pride Publishing, and to celebrate the launch of this new press, they’re revamping existing titles.

    Not only do my books get new covers, but I’ve also added some additional content to them! (NOTE:  My Turning Point Series will NOT include additional content, but Elements of Retrofit, Clarity of Lines, Sense of Place, Three’s Company, and Taxes and TARDIS will.) And they will be re-released throughout August, available in ebook and paperback at the same time (apparently).

    This new content is generally added to the end of the book, not integrated throughout. So, in my Thomas Elkin Series, we have approximately 2000 words at the end of each book added, and finally Cooper gets to have his say! That’s right, each book has a small chapter of Cooper POV. 🙂

    Three’s Company has both a prologue and an epilogue.  The short prologue (1500 words) is told from Simon’s POV, and the epilogue (3300 words) is back to Wil’s POV. 🙂

    Taxes and TARDIS now has a gorgeous little epilogue (2000 words), which was probably my favourite additional content to write.  I think everyone will agree when they read it. 🙂

    The Turning Point Series doesn’t include any additional content. In my heart, these stories are complete. The three books have a combined word count of 220,000, and trying to add more to Matt and Kira’s story felt forced and wrong.  I struggled with what to do for four weeks before I finally decided not to do those boys an injustice by adding content that would detract from their story.

    From my understanding, anyone who purchased my titles originally from Totally Bound will be able to download the updated books for free.

    So, without further adieu, the covers…













    I also received my cover for the Italian translation of Blindside! OMG it’s gorgeous! And will be available for purchase on July 7th.


    And in other cover news, I have had the lovely Sara York resizing my paperback covers to all now be 5×8, not the 6×9 they were previously and any/all formatting issues will be fixed. Cronin’s Key I & II are already available in 5×8, but I’m awaiting proofs of my RDH series and Blind Faith series before I let them go live. I will advise when this happens, and will be adding an order form to my website if anyone would like a signed copy. You will be able to pay for them through PayPal. 🙂

    Aaaaand, lastly (but super excitedly) I will be giving Sixty Five Hours and Learning to Feel new covers as well. The very talented Mina has graciously agreed to help me give these books new covers. I thought it was very fitting that a friend I have known since my fandom days is giving my ex-fandom books new life 🙂  I will share pics when I have them!!!

    Soooo, I think revealing 9 covers at once is pretty amazing and I hope you like them.  <3 <3

  • Taxes and TARDIS new cover reveal!

    Taxes and TARDIS was taken out of publication in January 2013. It was a horrible time for me as a writer, as it is for any author having stories removed.  But after a re-edit and some re-writing, Taxes and TARDIS will be available again in March 2014.

    And I have the cover already!


    Isn’t it pretty?  

    I can’t wait for Brent and Logan to live again!  This was the first story I ever had published, so it will mean a lot for me to see it available again.


    Brent Kelly takes in his shoebox full of receipts and invoices to his new accountant, Logan Willis.

    He didn’t expect to see a kind of cute, geeky guy, with dark rimmed glasses and a TARDIS blue shirt. He certainly didn’t expect to be intrigued by him, and most certainly didn’t expect to fall in love. 

    Both men have concerns the differences between them are too great, but they soon realize maybe it’s the differences that make it worth the fight.



  • Book Cover for Taxes and TARDIS

    Here is the A-MAZING cover to my short story.  It’s so incredibly beautiful, and very fitting for these two boys.

    To be released by Silver Publishing on April 28th. 


    My first official book will be published with SilverPublishing!  I’m really excited!!

    Taxes and TARDIS (title pending the okay with copyright and Dr. Who) will be released as a short story (25,400 words) on April 28th 2012.

    I will post more details as I get them, such as book cover and purchasing links.

    Thanks to all who’ve followed me, pushed me and encouraged me to this very point.  I doubt I’d be here if it weren’t for you. <3

    Here’s Brent…

    Here’s Logan…
    And it all started with a shirt the color of one of these…
    Stay tuned for details…