The end of where it started…

So last night I watched the final installment of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn Part 2.

Apart from wanting to junk-punch Melissa Rosenberg ten minutes from the end (don’t despair, she redeems herself beautifully) I realized something…

This is where the twi-road ends. 

I can hear half the world cheering, I know. But for me it is bittersweet.  Yep, I fell in love with Twilight.  Not gonna deny it. 

But as much as I loved it, and as much as it got me back into reading after I had kids, I found it lacking.

I wanted more.

(Disclaimer: I also wanted Edward to push Bella off the cliff and have his HEA with Jasper, but that’s just me…) lol

Then I found a little something called fanfiction.

I’d actually written a missing scene from Twilight before I even knew of fanfiction, because I needed to know what the hell Stephanie Meyer left out.  Mind you, I’d not “written” any fiction of any kind since leaving high-school. 

I posted it online, with ZERO knowledge of what I was doing, and was floored when people read it. Loved it, even.

Then I wrote a continuation, post Breaking Dawn story that took me a year and 280K words.  Then my fanfiction journey delved into All-Human and a love for exploring non-canon characters was born.

Then I found slash.

Let me tell you. It was like I’d found home. 

So yeah, judge if you will about the Twilight thing but I’ll be forever grateful.

I found a love of writing. I found what it is I am supposed to do with my life. I met people who became my best friends. 

So as I sat in the cinema at 2:30am when Breaking Dawn Part 2 was done, it occured to me it was the end of where it all started for me.

From vampires who sparkled in the original (WTF was Stephanie Meyer thinking?) to complex gay male characters in fanfiction who overcame adversity, who struggled, who won, who laughed, who loved (and in particular those who Merged & Acquired and to the one who called his love Doll Face) I eventually went full circle and finally arrived back at Original Fiction.

And this is where I am now.

And if the gods are willing, it’s where I will be for a long time.  

To all those who I’ve known since day one, or who I met along the way, who are now still with me, reading about my boys who meet and fall in love, I thank you.

And I’m looking forward to the next lot of pretty boys we stumble into. 

* * * *

PS: A little reminder that three of my once-were-fanfictions have now been re-written and are available as PDF’s on my Free Reads page. 


  • 17foreverlisa

    Why you gotta make me cry…again? I couldn't agree more, Nic. I will forever be grateful to Twilight because of what it's brought to my life. The friends, the travel, the story characters that will forever live in my heart, the mismatched socks…I am so glad that I found you through your writing and look forward to many more years of celebrating your success together.XOLisaPS: You know that saying "Dollface" makes my heart clench. *sigh*

  • beacullen

    Awww I LOVED this post, I agree whole heartedly!! Some of the best people out there are Twifans, and I don't give a shit what anyone says about how crappy the books were or how bad the movies were. Without them I would never have met such a great friend!!! Perfect post xoxox Barb

  • AnnaLund2011

    I love that you remember where you came from. And I love that you remember M&A and doll face. I love that I know what you're talking about. And most of all, I love that you are going your own way into Original Fiction, and doing such a great job of it. I will be there every step of the way, buying any book you care to publish.Feed me more words.

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