
  • Good Morning Monday! September is here!

    September already, which is the beginning of Spring for us Aussies. And I have to say, as much as I love winter, I’m actually looking forward to being able to sit outside and get some writing done with some warmer weather. Don’t worry, I’ll be complaining about the heat soon LOL

    I didn’t do a post last week for a few reasons. Mostly because I did two the week before with the release of Private Charter and I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m spamming them. And two, I haven’t been productive in my writing so I kind of felt like I had nothing to say unless it was promo and let’s be real: too much promo is spammy. I have enough promo things with new releases, audio, and translations without doubling or tripling up. 🙂

    I took a few days off social media to get my head into this WIP. It’s killing me – I swear, I know better than to agree to writing a story that doesn’t solely come from my brain. This is an anthology piece of similar themed Christmas stories and it’s been 3 weeks of banging of my head on the desk, and all I keep thinking is “I could have had another book written in this time” and it compounds to the issue of not being able to write, failing, letting people down, and the whole thing becomes a train wreck.

    BUT I’m persevering. I’m up to 19K (which is ridiculously poor word count for me for three week’s work) but 19K is still better than 0.  I just need to push through it. I know this is something that all authors deal with, and I’ve dealt with it before. Fingers crossed I can get the bloody thing finished. And then, as it dawned on me this morning, because I’m so far behind schedule, I don’t even think my editor will be able to see it before it’s due for release. So yay. This story is doing everything in its power to not be written LOL

    Enough of that shitshow…

    What’s happening this week?

    Well, more writing hopefully. LOL

    I also have the audio release of Evolved, which I’m super excited about. I haven’t heard this one yet, so I’m just as excited as everyone else to see what the awesome narrator, Joel Leslie, can do with Shaun!

    You can pre-order it HERE

    You may or may not know that Createspace (the paperback division of Amazon) is moving over to KDP (the site where we all publish our ebooks with Amazon).  But KDP and Amazon do not/will not ship to Australia. So this means all Aussie authors who self publish can no longer order author copies or even proof copies of their own books. We’re directed to Amazon’s “global store” and are charged up to $28 for one book – before shipping. For our own books. Have you ever heard anything so ridiculous. Rest assured, if American authors or UK authors were treated this way, there would be riots and boycotts and protests. But apparently no one gives a shit that it happens to Australia.

    So, I’m in the process of discussions with IngramSpark about setting up paperbacks through them. They distribute to Amazon and B&N and Apple, so it shouldn’t hurt customers at all. I’m just trying to figure out the best time and cost effective way to redo 50+ paperbacks. If my paperbacks are not available for purchase for a short time, this will be why.

    In other news, it’s just six short weeks until I fly out to the US. I’m super excited about GRL this year and I’ve been working on some pretty cool swag. Just a reminder, if you wish for me to sign any paperbacks, you must bring them with you. Also with this breakdown of Createspace/Amazon paperbacks, if you haven’t ordered your books yet, I would suggest doing it soon! Like today. Amazon have said there is no way of knowing when they will change the books over. <3

    So, in closing, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who bought, read, and reviewed Private Charter. It was #1 in 7 countries for 7 days. That’s kind of crazy!!! I seriously do have the BEST readers in the world!

    Keep your fingers crossed that I get a metric fuckton of writing done this week!! Or pray for my sanity. One or the other. Or both. LOL

    Until then!! <3



  • Good Morning Monday ~ Blah blah blah…

    This week was just blah. I had major focus issues this week, but I did manage to get some things done, but not one monumental, big thing. I wanted to write a whole bunch on my Christmas short story and barely managed 1K words. I did manage to get some proofing edits done on Private Charter, and I did manage to get ARCs out. I also did some research for my Christmas story, and I did get some amazing feedback on my Roman-era story that I very briefly started to unpack.

    But I wanted to get more written on my WIP and I know that productivity doesn’t equate to word counts only. But it’s just disappointing when I don’t meet my own goals.

    I also had two sick kids at home with me this week, which didn’t help. Fingers crossed I have some decent alone time this week and can punch through some words. It also doesn’t help that I’m trying to write a Christmas story when I’m not a fan of Christmas, at all. But that’s beside the point, I tell myself. I’m a professional writer. I need to sit my ass at my desk and do my damn job. LOL  Which is what I fully intend on doing this week.

    As I mentioned, ARCs for Private Charter went out and the first few reviews have been AMAZING!!  It seems people need a little sunshine, sailing and sex in their lives right now! 😉

    I’ll share an excerpt or two in a few days and maybe some pics that inspired my characters. Be warned, there is a lot of skin, white Speedos and tequila 🙂 Like this one, though Stuart doesn’t have a beard, he sure does like to show off his best assets 😉

    (I don’t own this pic. I found it on the internet. If you are the rightful owner and would like it removed, I’ll happily remove it. kudos, btw, for such a great photo.)

    Don’t forget, I have some books out of Kindle Unlimited!

    Finders Keepers


    Barnes and Noble



    And Evolved!





    It’s also the 13th, which means it’s exactly two months before I leave for America. GRL is coming up so fast. It was forever away, and we’re now down to weeks! I’ve been working on some FABULOUS swag which I can’t wait to share pics of very soon! I’m so excited to be going back, and I can’t wait to catch up with old friends and meet new ones!

    It will be my last trip to America for the next few years at least – GRL is in October and that time of year is when Aussie kids sit their senior exams. Our exams here run every day for 2-3 weeks at the end of October, and my kids will be sitting them over the next three years (after this year) so I need to be here for that.

    I’m going to try and get to EuroCon next June but that is a huge if right now. I can’t commit to a definite yes – I need some planets to align first (and possibly lotto if anyone knows how LOL).

    Okay, that’s it for this week! Keep your fingers crossed I can get some writing done this next week! Until then!


  • Good Morning Monday ~ What’s on in August?

    Yes, holy crap it’s August! This year has gone so fast it makes my head spin. It was another busy week in Walkerland, and seriously I need another word for busy. My WIP, Nova Praetorian, is now at 92K and I pretty much only two or three more scenes to write. Then I can start the endless/funless job of trying to fix it. It’s an unholy mess right now. It’s written in third person, which is not my usual MO. And for the first 50K words, I’ve somehow managed to write it from everyone’s point of view, not just the MC’s. I’ve headhopped so much not even Freud couldn’t make sense of it. LOL  So that will need a whole lotta fixing.

    I’ve also got the second round edits for Private Charter in my inbox, which I will tackle as soon as I get the first draft of Nova Praetorian done. Hopefully editing something that’s not a hot mess will prepare me for editing something that is. LOL

    Soooo, what’s happening in August?

    Evolved is now available at all retailers!





    The audio of On Davis Row is out on the 31st July. Technically it’s not August but woo hoooo!!!!  If you’ve been saving an audio credit, I’m saving you the dilemma of what to get! Because you need to hear this <3



    Finders Keepers will also be coming out of KU to be available at all retailers toward the end of the next week. Stay tuned for the links – I’ll post them as soon as I have them!

    Private Charter will be out on August 24th! It will be exclusive to Amazon (on KU) and there will be no presale links – it will go live on the 24th and I’ll be back to post links asap.


    Stuart Jenner’s job is high stress, high stakes, and everything he’s strived for. So why, when the apex of his career is within reach, does he stumble? At his doctor’s insistence, he books a privately chartered yacht to sail around the Whitsundays for two weeks of sun, surf, and sex. When his friend-with-benefits bails on him at the last minute, Stuart decides to go alone.

    Foster Knight left the rat race behind six years ago, bought a yacht, and now calls the Great Barrier Reef his home. Sailing tourists around tropical waters is all in a day’s work, and he’s never been happier. When his next client arrives alone, the two-week charter will be the most private job he’s ever had.

    Foster can see how stressed and exhausted Stuart is, and he promises him extensive rest and relaxation. Stuart slowly realises his original plan for two weeks of sun, surf, and sex might not be lost yet. Confined to a yacht, isolated by aqua-coloured oceans and the sweltering sun, Stuart and Foster are about to find out just how hot the tropics can get.

    I’ll be back with excerpts and fun stuff on Private Charter before release day though, so stay tuned!

    Well, as you can see, August is another busy one!  Have a great week, folks. Until then!!


  • Good Morning Monday ~ Holy crap, tomorrow is the first of May!

    Tomorrow is May. Truly. This year is almost half done. I can’t believe it. But, as the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun… I’ve been crazy-busy. I mean, I’m always busy. I rarely ever get a minute to myself – I’m not even exaggerating LOL

    This last week I took my daughter and niece to Sydney for a Harry Styles concert. I singlehandedly propped up the New South Wales economy for a while with the amount of shopping two teenage girls subjected me to, we spent a day at Taronga Zoo (my niece had never been on a ferry or to Taronga, so we rectified that) and we had a fab time. I was off social media (mostly) and it’s always nice to take a mental health break.

    A little off topic here, but social media is a huge commitment for me. My main ones are Facebook –  with my general timeline, author page, and several groups – and Twitter, and Instagram. Don’t get me wrong, I do love them, but wow, it’s also a lot of work. I constantly worry that I’ll miss notifications or messages and people will think I’m snobbing them or ignoring them, so I do try and check and double check. It’s not always easy. Especially with FB being so hit and miss with any/all notifications and posts, so I do apologise if I have missed anyone.

    I  love the interaction with readers, and friendships I’ve made online. I cherish them, I really do. But taking a day or two every now and then to spend time doing other things is absolutely recommended. I can’t be available to everyone 24/7. Not to readers, not to family. And no, not even to Ruby (my dog) as much as she doesn’t agree with, or understand, to be honest. She was VERY happy to see me when I got home. There was a LOT of kisses and zoomies. LOL

    I also got home to a LOT of messages, posts, comments, and emails expressing utter LOVE for Evolved, which was wonderful! I am so thrilled that people are loving Shaun and Lloyd. I know that anything sci-fi tends to turn some people off, but loyal readers have been taking a chance and finding themselves thoroughly enjoying it (and 99% of people would like their very own Shaun. LOL Get in line. I’m first. haha)

    For anyone who has missed it…


    In Audio News! Breaking Point is OUT NOW and Spencer Cohen Book Three is up for pre-order!!  I love hearing my books in audio… it’s such a thrill for me. And these two do NOT disappoint.

    Sean Crisden does an amazing job as Matthew Elliott in Breaking Point. Truly amazing. The pain and anguish Matt goes through really shines with Sean at the helm. You can find them at:



    Joel Leslie is a stellar performer and his portrayal of Spencer and Andrew just might be my favourite yet.

    You can pre-order Spencer Cohen, Book Three at Audible

    If you’re new to audio, you can always listen to the sample first. And if you sign up to Audible, your first book is free! And they give you a credit for one book a month when you subscribe. It’s an awesome way to enjoy all your favourite books!

    WIP Update: Since I was away for half the week, I didn’t get as much writing done as I’d have liked. My WIP, called Private Charter, is up to 24K. I was hoping this story would be about 50K in total, but given one MC has hired a yacht for two weeks and it’s taken me 24K to get them to day 2 of the venture, I’m thinking it might be a little longer…  LOL

    I also have visitors this week and my kids go back to school on Tuesday, which means all sporting activities every afternoon also start again (you know how I said I’m always busy? Yeah, I wasn’t kidding LOL) therefore I have no clue how much I will get written this week. I want ALL the words but I highly doubt that’ll happen.

    Oh, and I know I’ve previoulsy mentioned Thai translations but I can now confirm the following:

    – SIXTY FIVE HOURS – mid 2018 (so, that means soon!)
    – CRONIN’S KEY series – beginning in March 2019
    – RED DIRT HEART series – beginning in March 2020
    – FINDERS KEEPERS – October 2020
    I’m super excited to see these! I can’t wait to share the covers with you asap.
    Okay, that’s it for this week. *wipes brow* I need a holiday LOL  I hope everyone has a great week and I’ll see you next Monday! Until then…
  • Autism Awareness Month ~ Hopes and Dreams, and a contest~

    Autism Fact:  People with autism are more likely to be the victims of violence than committing a violent act.

    April is Autism Awareness Month and it’s always an honour to take part. This year the theme is hopes and dreams, which is another great topic and one we don’t reflect on enough. I usually only take stock of which goals I’d like to achieve around the new year, not really as a resolution, but more of a ‘am I going in the direction I want/need to be going’ kind of way.

    I am truly lucky that I have my dream job – and I know this. I don’t take it for granted, and I work incredibly hard trying to produce the best books I can. I recognise not many people have the privilege of saying they live their dreams. And the one thing I’m trying to instil in my kids, is to do something they love when they leave school.

    Not easy, I know.

    In today’s world, most of us have to do whatever puts food on the table. I get that. I did that, for many years. And like all parents, I’d love to save my kids from doing that. My kids are nearing the end of their schooling (a few years to go) but there’s pressure on them to pick a career path. I tell them not to stress, after all, I didn’t fall into my writing career wholeheartedly until I was in my thirties.

    To a fourteen and fifteen year old, that’s as good as ancient. LOL

    But by the same token, I have to wonder which path I’d be on if I’d have found my true passion at their age. I’d always love reading and writing but had no idea it would be dream career. So if I could point my kids in the right direction now, to save them twenty years of jobs they hate, then I absolutely will. I can’t make the decision for them, all I can do is tell them not to choose a career focused on the money, instead focus on the love of what you want to do.

    It can be my wish and hope, but it needs to be their dream and doing.


    For your chance to win any book title of mine (winner’s choice) answer me this: if you could tell your fifteen year old self one word advice, what would it be?

    Mine would be to start writing earlier.

    (I normally have comments closed on my blog, but I will be opening them up for this contest)  Please comment below.

    That’s it for the Autism Awareness post. To check out the original, you can find it at RJ Scott’s site:  http://rjscott.co.uk/autism-awareness-month-2018


    In case you’re not aware, or if you’ve been under a rock this last week, you might have missed my latest release!  Evolved is a little bit sci-fi, a lot romance, and so much fun!


    In 2068, androids are an integrated part of human life. Big Brother no longer just watches from the shadows. It’s in every household. 

    Lloyd Salter has OCD issues with noise and mess, and he’s uncomfortable with human interaction. When his ex claimed the only thing perfect enough to live up to his standards was an android, Lloyd dismissed it. But two years later, after much self-assessment, he thinks he may have been right.

    SATinc is the largest manufacturer of androids in Australia, including the Fully Compatible Units known as an A-Class 10. Their latest design is the Synthetic Human Android UNit, otherwise known as SHAUN.

    Shaun is compatible to Lloyd’s every need; the perfect fit on an intellectual and physical basis. But Lloyd soon realises Shaun’s not like other A-Class androids. He learns. He adapts. Sure that SATinc is aware Shaun functions outside of his programmed parameters, Lloyd must find a way to keep Shaun safe.

    No one can know how special Shaun is. No one can know he’s evolved.

  • Good Morning Monday! It’s Release Day for Evolved and a $50 Amazon Gift Card to Win!!

    I’m so excited for everyone to meet Shaun! I’ve had an INCREDIBLE response to the ARC’s with reviews and feedback being wonderful, so a HUGE thank you to everyone who has let me know they loved it! It’s such a relief to get those first replies and even better when they’re glowing reviews.


    In 2068, androids are an integrated part of human life. Big Brother no longer just watches from the shadows. It’s in every household.

    Lloyd Salter has OCD issues with noise and mess, and he’s uncomfortable with human interaction. When his ex claimed the only thing perfect enough to live up to his standards was an android, Lloyd dismissed it. But two years later, after much self-assessment, Lloyd thinks he may have been right.

    SATinc is the largest manufacturer of androids in Australia, including the Fully Compatible Units known as an A-Class 10. Their latest design is the Synthetic Human Android UNit, otherwise known as SHAUN.

    Shaun is compatible with Lloyd’s every need; the perfect fit on an intellectual and physical basis. But Lloyd soon realises Shaun’s not like other A-Class androids. He learns. He adapts. Sure that SATinc is aware Shaun functions outside of his programmed parameters, Lloyd must find a way to keep Shaun safe.

    No one can know how special Shaun is. No one can know he’s evolved.


    Universal Amazon Link


    And for your chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift card! You can enter at HERE!

    (You may need to wait until the 23rd in the US for the rafflecopter to kick into gear, so please be patient and keep trying)

    And On Davis Row is now back in KU!! If you’re a KU user, and haven’t read it yet, be sure to grab it 🙂 The link is HERE.

    In other news, my WIP titled Private Charter is now at 20K words, and it’s a LOT of fun to write!  It’s sexy and fun, and I had no idea the tropics could get this hot…  😉

    I’ll be in Sydney next weekend, so not sure if I’ll get a post out, but I will try. Until then…


  • Good Morning Monday!! Who wants an Evolved Excerpt?

    Another week. Holy hell. It’s now getting to the point where I’m scared to blink LOL. This year is flying!

    My kids are now off school for two weeks, and will no doubt be driving me crazy. The joys of working from home LOL  I may have to sequester myself to the library for some quiet time. 😉

    But I did promise an excerpt from Evolved, and considering release day is just SEVEN days away, it’s probably overdue. So, enough of my blabbering on…

    So, without further ado… here it is 🙂

    By the time my intercom sounded at nine fifteen the next morning, the butterflies in my belly felt more like stomping elephants. I buzzed the delivery team through and waited for the elevator to ping down the hall.

    Breathe, Lloyd, I reminded myself.

    My apartment was a spacious two-bedroom luxury unit on the top floor of the complex. Polished concrete floors, high ceilings, a bookcase as one entire wall, and floor-to-ceiling windows on the north-east facing wall. I liked the clean lines, minimalistic furniture. Well, I didn’t just like it. I needed it. Clutter and closed spaces made me anxious. My ex-boyfriend had found my apartment cold and clinical, but I found the whites and greys soothing, peaceful. Then again, he’d found a lot of things about me clinical…

    The knock on my door startled me, even though I’d been expecting it. I opened it to find two men and a rather large crate. The first man smiled. He was wearing grey suit pants and a navy sweater. He showed me his ID. “Mr Salter, my name is Myles Dewegger. We have a special delivery.”

    “Yes, yes, please come in,” I said, standing aside in invitation.

    The second man wheeled through the crate. He was dressed all in black with a military style haircut, and he looked as though he belonged in a SWAT team. He was a rather large man, with bulging muscles and perfect skin, and I had to study him for a second. No, he was human.

    “Nice place,” Myles said, looking around the large, open living room. “Are we all right to do this here?”

    I closed the door and took a breath to steady myself. I wasn’t accustomed to having strange people in my house. “Yes, of course.” I followed him and stood next to the couch. “I thought Mr Kingsley might have attended the delivery. I assumed incorrectly, it seems.”

    “Sasha’s a busy man,” Myles said with a smile. “Though if you’d prefer, I can call him and you can speak to him.”

    “No, it’s fine,” I said. I was now staring at the crate. Oh boy. It was well over six feet tall, three feet wide. Shaun was inside. He was right there. I swallowed hard.

    Myles read me. “Let’s introduce you, shall we?”

    I nodded. “Yes, please.”

    Myles and his helper, whose name I didn’t know, undid the crate and removed the front panel. My heart almost stopped. Inside, Shaun stood, packaged-in perfectly so as not to be damaged in any way. He was dressed in a dinner suit. A charming navy piece with a light blue shirt underneath his blazer, top button undone. His black hair was exactly as I’d ordered; short sides, longer on top, professional. His skin was warm ivory with a subtle hint of blush on his cheeks; his lips were pink and a perfect cupid’s bow. His eyes were closed, his lashes long.

    He took my breath away.

    The big delivery guy stepped in and unstrapped Shaun, then lifted him out. Right, that explained the need for muscle. Then he quickly wheeled the crate back to the front door, making the room neat again, leaving Shaun standing perfectly still in my living room.

    Myles glanced at me. “Everything look okay?”

    I nodded and had to focus on speaking so I could make actual sound. “So far, yes.”

    Myles smiled. “So first we need to configure him to your home hub,” he said, looking around. He took out a small hand-held screen I recognised from the SATinc office. It was an android control panel. He tapped on both screens, I entered in a personal code, and Shaun was officially added to my Wi-Fi.

    It was becoming so very real.

    Myles seemed completely unfazed and oblivious to the fact that I was in the middle of a  monumental life event. He went on a spiel of specifications and diagnostics, developmental robotics, neural networks, artificial consciousness, proprioceptive sensors, and spatial cognizance, but all I could do was stare at Shaun.

    Breathe, Lloyd.

    Myles stopped speaking when he realised I wasn’t paying attention, and his pause made me look at him instead. He continued, “I’ll activate him, then we’ll require him to study your face for a few seconds. He has facial recognition, so once he recognises you as his custodian, he’ll be able to identify you anywhere.”


    “So if you’re out in public and you become separated, he will be able to find you.”

    For the strangest reason, I found that comforting.

    “And your voice. He’ll recognise that anywhere.”

    I smiled at Shaun, though he still had his eyes closed.

    “Are you ready?” Myles asked.

    I nodded.

    Myles held the small black screen toward me. He entered in a code and spoke clear and loud. “Please re-enter in your Wi-Fi code,” he said, averting his eyes while I entered my security code for Shaun’s wireless access. Then Myles added something else, and watching Shaun, he said, “Activate.”

    Shaun opened his eyes.

    They were the exact shade of blue I’d asked for. But he just stared blankly.

    Myles entered in more codes, then spoke to me. “Please stand in front of him until I tell you to move.”

    I did as I was instructed. Shaun was approximately an inch shorter than me, and he was even better close up. Being this close to him sent a curl of anticipation through me.

    I could hear Myles tapping on the screen and then Shaun’s eyes focused on me. He was scanning my face, and then he looked down to my feet and up my body. It set my blood on fire.

    Then Myles handed me the small screen and said, “Please read this out loud to him.”

    I let out a breath and looked Shaun right in the eye. “My name is Lloyd Salter. I am your custodian, and this is your home.”

    Myles took the control again and clicked on the screen a few more times, and something in Shaun changed. I saw it, the very moment it happened.

    He became aware.

    His gaze fell on me. “Hello, Lloyd,” Shaun said. His voice was a deep baritone, with a tenor that curled in my belly.

    “Hello Shaun,” I replied. My voice was barely a whisper.

    And then, throwing my world completely off its axis, he smiled. Not a perfect smile, but slightly lopsided in a very human way. If a simple smile could complete my existence, it was done. He was stunningly perfect.

    “It is very nice to meet you,” Shaun said.

    “Likewise,” I replied. I couldn’t stop staring at his eyes, and I swore the corner of Shaun’s lip twitched in an almost smile.

    “Is that normal?” I asked Myles. “He’s so… human.”

    Myles grinned. “It’s amazing, isn’t it? How real they are?”

    I nodded, staring back at Shaun. So very real.

    “As I was saying before, he has the spatial awareness and object manipulation skills of a surgeon. He can lift heavy objects with ease, but he can also hold the finest, most delicate glass object with precision. He has social intelligence; he can recognise and interpret, process and simulate human affects and empathy. He is, without doubt, the most advanced A-Class synthetic android in the world.”

    Shaun tilted his head a little while he studied me, and I stared right back at him. So remarkable.

    “He’s been uploaded with extensive knowledge of all requested data,” Myles said, holding the screen out for me to see. I glanced at it but couldn’t take my eyes off Shaun for long. Myles continued anyway. “Literary histories, world current affairs, everything you asked for has been preloaded, but he can access any information you require. If it’s on the web, he can find it, and he can discuss, converse, debate whatever you want.”


    “Now, as for the personal companion aspect,” Myles went on. Personal companion aspect was synthetic speak for sex. “All lubricants must be silicone based, not oil based, though I’m sure you’re aware. He can self-clean but he might like it if you help him.” I looked at Myles and he winked. “Yes, he has likes and dislikes. Though he’s been pre-dispositioned to your psych evaluation so there are no conflicts. He enjoys conversation, attention, praise…, touch. Sex.”

    My heart rate took off.

    Breathe, Lloyd.


    Eeeeeeek! Yes, breathe, Lloyd. You’re going to need it 😉


    In 2068, androids are an integrated part of human life. Big Brother no longer just watches from the shadows. It’s in every household.

    Lloyd Salter has OCD issues with noise, mess, and he’s uncomfortable with human interaction. When his ex claimed the only thing perfect enough to live up to his standards was an android, Lloyd dismissed it. But two years later, after much self-assessment, he thinks he may have been right.

    SATinc is the largest manufacturer of androids in Australia, including the Fully Compatible Units known as an A-Class 10. Their latest design is the Synthetic Human Android UNit, otherwise known as SHAUN.

    Shaun is compatible to Lloyd’s every need; the perfect fit on an intellectual and physical basis. But Lloyd soon realises Shaun’s not like other A-Class androids. He learns. He adapts. Sure that SATinc is aware Shaun functions outside of his programmed parameters, Lloyd must find a way to keep Shaun safe.

    No one can know how special Shaun is. No one can know he’s evolved.

    I have the paperback proof too, and the cover is even more stunning in real life.

    The photos honestly don’t do it justice. It’s so beautiful, and the colours are striking.

    One more week, guys.  Just one more week!

    WIP update:  Private Charter is currently just at 9K. I didn’t get as much written as I wanted this week, but I’m determined this week. Release weeks and the days leading up to are usually a write-off, but I want to really smash it this week. Fingers crossed my kids are on board with this. LOL. (I say, as every parent dies laughing)

    Until next week!

  • Good Morning Monday!

    What a crazy week it’s been! I was supposed to be home by now, but I’m currently still in Sydney. I came here for the Sydney Author Event (not as an author) and booked our flights home for the Monday instead of the Sunday. Luckily I realised my error before we left for the airport LOL!!  I’m such an idiot!  I said “OMG I can’t believe I did that!” and my daughter replied with “Um, what? You’ve been saying the Ed Sheeran concert was in April and the Harry Styles one was in March (Ed was March, Harry is April) for six months!”  LOL so maybe she has a point.

    Anyway, she get’s an extra day off school and we spent yesterday propping up the economy (shopping) so she considers my blunder a complete win. 😉  And I got to spend time with the amazingly talented and beautiful duo of Ella Frank and Brooke Blaine. OMG these guys are rockstars and are so down to earth and lovely. I played assistant to Brooke at the Sydney Author Event (because OMG they were SO busy) and I had the BEST time! I also met a lot readers who love my books and it is amazing to be able to put faces to the names on social media, and get to chat with them! Especially here in Australia (I’ve only really done this at GRL in the US) so to do it here and to meet fellow Aussie M/M lovers was very special to me. Thank you to everyone who travelled and made my weekend perfect! <3

    This week On Davis Row is on sale for 99c as part of a BookBub deal!  So if you haven’t grabbed it yet, now is your chance. It’s on sale at all retailers too, not just Amazon. 🙂






    It’s only TWO WEEKS until Evolved is out! And I can NOT wait!!  I’m so excited (and very nervous) about this one!


    In 2068, androids are an integrated part of human life. Big Brother no longer just watches from the shadows. It’s in every household.

    Lloyd Salter has OCD issues with noise and mess, and he’s uncomfortable with human interaction. When his ex claimed the only thing perfect enough to live up to his standards was an android, Lloyd dismissed it. But two years later, after much self-assessment, he thinks he may have been right.

    SATinc is the largest manufacturer of androids in Australia, including the Fully Compatible Units known as an A-Class 10. Their latest design is the Synthetic Human Android UNit, otherwise known as SHAUN.

    Shaun is compatible to Lloyd’s every need; the perfect fit on an intellectual and physical basis. But Lloyd soon realises Shaun’s not like other A-Class androids. He learns. He adapts. Sure that SATinc is aware Shaun functions outside of his programmed parameters, Lloyd must find a way to keep Shaun safe.

    No one can know how special Shaun is. No one can know he’s evolved.


    As for Galaxies and Oceans, I still haven’t sent it to my editor yet. I want to do another read through, I think.  Everything is still on track for a July release, so that’s no issue, but I just want to make sure I’m completely happy with it. Patrick and Aubrey are incredible characters and I want to do them justice.

    WIP update: I haven’t added to my WIP since last week! It’s still very new – I’m barely 3K into it, but I can tell you their names are Foster and Stuart, and the book is set in Far North Queensland. And I can assure you, it’s not just the tropics that are hot! *fans self*  It’s gonna be a scorcher! 😉

    That’s all for today!  Hopefully I’ll report back next week saying I had a great week of writing, and there might even be an exclusive excerpt of Evolved!

    Until then…

  • Good Morning Monday ~ The Cover Reveal of Evolved!

    Man, it’s almost April. The mornings are cooler here now, and the sun sets a little earlier, so it’s getting harder to ignore that the year is really pressing on. It’s kinda crazy how fast it seems to go now, it’s like one book release after another. Which is not a bad thing 😉

    So in WIP news, I finished Galaxies and Oceans!!  OMG it truly felt like the manuscript that would never end. LOL!!  It finished at 84.5K words, though this week will be spent going back over it and fixing/adding/deleting so there’s no saying what the final word count will be. But Aubrey and Patrick’s story is down, at least, in first draft form. I’m still aiming for a June release, all things going well, and I will keep you all posted on progress.

    I do have an amazing cover to show off! Evolved is coming out in under four weeks!!  *flails*  and I can NOT wait for everyone to meet Lloyd and Shaun. It’s a different kind of story, given that Shaun isn’t human. And it is sci-fi, but mostly it’s just romance. Shaun is an android, but he’s more human than most people. I know that sounds weird, but by the year 2068, humans  have retreated to living mostly digital lives, where relationships are online and are somewhat clinical. Along comes Shaun, who is programmed to feel, so there is something very human about how he adapts to life with Lloyd in the physical, non-digital life. Anyway, I’ll let the readers’ decide if they agree with that 😉

    So, enough explanations…

    The cover was made by the super-talented Reese Dante. And it is so utterly perfect, I just can’t even deal. LOL  I am so in love with this cover, and I’m sure you can see why…


    In 2068, androids are an integrated part of human life. Big Brother no longer just watches from the shadows. It’s in every household.

    Lloyd Salter has OCD issues with noise, mess, and he’s uncomfortable with human interaction. When his ex claimed the only thing perfect enough to live up to his standards was an android, Lloyd dismissed it. But two years later, after much self-assessment, he thinks he may have been right.

    SATinc is the largest manufacturer of androids in Australia, including the Fully Compatible Units known as an A-Class 10. Their latest design is the Synthetic Human Android UNit, otherwise known as SHAUN.

    Shaun is compatible to Lloyd’s every need; the perfect fit on an intellectual and physical basis. But Lloyd soon realises Shaun’s not like other A-Class androids. He learns. He adapts. Sure that SATinc is aware Shaun functions outside of his programmed parameters, Lloyd must find a way to keep Shaun safe.

    No one can know how special Shaun is. No one can know he’s evolved.


    And before you can ask, yes, the binary does spell something. Of course it does!! LOL  It spells EVOLVED  🙂

    Release date is April 23rd!!  So not far away at all!!

    And in case you missed my mid-week post, Three’s Company was re-released on the 22nd. I now have all my books back under my creative control, meaning, all my titles are now self-published under my name – and I’m so freakin’ happy!!  Not including my translated titles, that is. But I’m very happy to have all my books back <3

    Global Buy Link

    So that’s it for this week! Next week is Easter, so if you celebrate, I wish you all the very best!  I should be posting next Monday, unless I’m in a chocolate coma… keep your fingers crossed LOL

    This week I’m hoping to have the first draft of Galaxies and Oceans whipped into shape and then I can start thinking about which story to write next! Ah, the possibilities of a new book. You know, I sure do love writing the words The End, but writing Chapter One is pretty freaking cool too.

    Until then… <3

  • Good Morning Monday ~ 2018 has started with a bang!

    Yes, 2018 has hit the ground running, that’s for sure! This week alone:

    • I wrote 12K to finish the first draft of Evolved – release will be April
    • I received edits on Finders Keepers – release 2nd Feb
    • I edited Sense of Place and formatted for ebook and paperback (re-release is Jan 17th)
    • Release of the Italian translation of Spencer Cohen Book Three
    • Beta-read 75K story for a friend
    • Had The Weight of It All win Audio of the Year at Open Skye Reviews!
    • Had Imago win 2nd place as Book of the Year at Open Skye Reviews
    • And The Weight of It All was featured on AudioFile, where Joel won an Earphones Award for the incredible narration, and for a LGBT book – this is kind of HUGE!
    • Went through a tonne of admin stuff, including meetings with my accountant, organising blitz tours, ARC tours, and super exciting secret squirrel stuff.

    I’m sure there is something else I’m forgetting… But as you can see, it’s been quite a week.

    My time at My Fiction Nook as Author of the Month continues!  You can read my latest post HERE and you can enter the draw to win an ebook!

    Yes, my current WIP is called Evolved, and should be out in April. It’s 60K long (unedited) and I will be spending this week going through it, fixing/tweaking/adding/deleting before sending it off to beta readers. I’ve kept details of this one close to my chest as it’s quite different, and I’ll wait until I hear back from my betas to see what they think.

    I did buy a pre-made cover for this about six months ago, but it’s really not right for the story, so I have asked Reese Dante to conjure up some magic for me 🙂

    Speaking of Reese Dante and incredibly awesome covers, I don’t believe I’ve shown you the cover for Sense of Place!

    In keeping with the first two covers, this will be the forever cover for Sense of Place, and it’s perfect!

    And the paperback is GORGEOUS!!

    I have the proof of the paperback and can’t wait to hit approve! The three covers together look stunning and I am SO happy to have these boys back under my creative control <3

    For my Italian readers, Spencer Cohen Book Three is out now!




    Also, in case you weren’t aware, you can also follow me on BookBub for any new deals or discounts, and hang out in my Readers’ Group on Facebook for all the latest news and gossip!

    I’m hoping for another busy (read: productive) week. Lots to do and plan for my next book!  I have a pre-made cover for it, the location, and how it begins… now I just need the unimportant stuff like character names/histories, title, and plot LOL!

    Until then… <3