• Let’s not Nano…

    Yes, let’s not Nano at all.

    So tomorrow is November 1st, and thus the beginning of Nano.  For the uninitiated, Nano is an online writing circle, which aims to push participants to write 50K in one month. With the best of intentions, I signed up, but you know what?  I’m not even going to try…

    Let’s count the reasons:

    1.  My brain is still broken.  I’ve been working on my WIP for FIVE FUCKING MONTHS and it’s still a piece of shit. Literally five months – the document was created 29 May, and I only have 52K words, and it’s 52K of meaningless, incoherent, unfinished drivel. I’m not even kidding.  Normally I would write about 50K a month, but I haven’t written anything else in this entire time and my budding career as a wannabe author is as good as over because, well… my brain is broken.

    2.  We’re building a new house,  and mid-November we move into said new house.  I haven’t started packing yet…

    3.  My son’s birthday is the same weekend we move.

    3.1   My inlaws are staying for a week, possibly two, over the move period. Because it wasn’t stressful enough. Apparently.  So that’s half of November gone right there… this period will now be referred to as the Seventh Circle of Hades. 

    4. I will have limited to no wifi for as long as Telstra decide to not reconnect it to the new house. Telstra are Australia’s biggest and most useless telco.  Too bad if you didn’t need to know that. Now you do. If anyone from Telstra is reading this and would like to lodge a complaint, please hold…  

    5. I’ll be away for the weekend after the above mentioned move for my son’s tennis tournament. 

    6. I have a general release on November 22 (Breaking Point) and have a 12-day blog tour.  Which bloody idiot volunteered me for that? Oh right. Yeah, that would me. 

    7. I have another pre-release (Clarity of Lines) in the first week of December which I am also doing a blog tour for.   The fabulous Literary Nook is doing this one for me, because they are awesome. 

    8.  My EDJ is killing me slowly.  To the point where the thought of going to work every damn day makes me sick to the stomach, but we need the money because of the aforementioned building of our new house. 

    9.  I haven’t had more than three hours sleep a night since god-only-knows-when.  It’s affecting my memory and thought patterns, to the point where some days I can nod and communicate if the sentences are short and the words aren’t too long. Okay, so it’s not quite that bad, but some days if I leave the house with coffee and wearing pants I consider this a win.

    10.  Did I tell you that my brain is broken?  Well it is. The good news is I no longer feel the urge to cry when I open my laptop anymore, and I can now manage writing a shopping list without making my eye twitch. The words are there, the characters in my head are still talking, but I seem to have lost the ability to write coherently. 

    Soooo, as you can see, Nano is just NOT gonna happen.  And tbh, I’d be stupid to try.  I’m stressed enough.  At this rate, I doubt the entire month of December will happen either, and if anyone can put 2014 on hold, I’d be really grateful.  

    At this point in time, I can’t see the third book in the Turning Point series happening either.  If it is ever published – and that’s a really big IF –it won’t be until late 2014.  Or maybe not at all.  I just truly don’t know.

    Well, that’s all the excuses reasons I’ve got for being a Nano-fail.  

    pity party 3

  • Five minutes with Annabelle Jacobs!


    Tell us about you.

    I’m a wife, mother, and if I had my way I’d have a houseful of cats too.

    What do you love about writing?

    I love the freedom to create my own worlds and my own characters. That’s why I love writing fantasy and paranormal stories. You can choose to write about anything you like and just let your imagination run wild.

    Biggest pet peeve about writing?

    That I can’t get my ideas out fast enough. I have lots of stories floating around in my head, just waiting to be written, and I really wish I could write faster. I want to be writing all of them at once, and it’s hard to stick to one storyline and get it finished before starting on the next.

    Three most played songs on your iPod?

    Adele – Skyfall

    Muse – Uprising

    Cold Play – Lost

    Last movie you watched?

    World War Z – I do love Brad Pitt, and I’d watch him in anything (or nothing). It was the best film I’ve seen in a while, and I may have hidden behind my hands at some bits!

    Biggest regret?

    I try not to regret things I’ve done, or not done. There’s no way to change it, and it will only frustrate me no end to think of it and wish I’d done things differently. But yeah, while that’s fine in theory, there are a couple of relationships I wish I’d handled better when I was young and naïve.

    Place you’d love to visit?

    Ooh, there are lots of places I’d love to visit. I’d love to go to Australia; one of my friends moved out there a few years ago, and the photos he sends me make me incredibly jealous.

    Where do you write?

    I usually write sitting on my sofa. It’s ridiculously comfortable, and I like to have music on low in the background. Admittedly sometimes I do just want to close my eyes and nap, but isn’t that what sofas are for?

    From what/where do you find inspiration?

    I think of stories ideas when I’m walking to the shops or exercising mostly.  I need something to occupy my mind or make the time go quicker, so that’s when I tend to come up with most of my plots.  I get so caught up in them sometimes, that I forget what I’m supposed to be doing though, which can be embarrassing in the middle of my Zumba class.

    Favourite book of all time?

    Oh, I couldn’t possibly choose just one! It’s probably easier to pick my favourite authors. I love Anne Rice and I’ve read her books many, many times over – particularly ‘The Witching hour’. Also Raymond E. Feist, and George R. R. Martin.

    But my favourite books of recent times have got to be the Captive Prince books by S.U. Pacat. I’ve read them both twice now, and when the third ones comes out, I will read them all over again. They are utterly fabulous.

    What’s next for you?  Any current WIP’s we should know about?

    At the minute I’m working on the third book in my fantasy trilogy. It’s about Nykin, a dragon rider in the Torserian army, and his growing relationship with the handsome Prince. There’s also sassy dragons, magic, flirty elves and a lot of leather.

    The first book comes out Jan/Feb 2014.

    Tell us about your new release?


    My first novel came out on Oct 18th. It’s a romantic fantasy, and follows the journey of Jerath, and his best friend Serim, as they struggle to help save their village. They meet a band of hunters on their way, and Jerath strikes up a relationship with their young leader, Meren.


    Jerath is facing the biggest problem of his life. When boys in his shapeshifter village Eladir get their fangs, they must endure a coming-of-age rite called the Choosing, so they can take on their animal form. The rite is performed on the full moon, but the trouble is, the Choosing involves having sex with a girl, and Jerath’s only interested in boys. Even if he manages to somehow get through the rite, he doesn’t know if he’ll ever find a mate in his village, where opposite-sex couples are the norm.

    Even worse, he may miss the rite altogether after raiders attack his home and take several young men prisoner. Jerath will need the help of warriors if he’s to free the captive shapeshifters, so with his best friend, Serim, he flees south to find aid. Along the way, they meet Meren, a handsome warrior whose attraction to Jerath is instant and very much returned. But with the next full moon approaching and available time for the prisoners to undergo the Choosing running out, Jerath’s love life is far from his only worry.

     Where can we find you?

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Annabelle-Jacobs-Fiction/458768424158896

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJacobs_fiction

    WordPress: http://annabellejacobs.com/

    Buy links :

    Dreamspinner Press : http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=4265

    Amazon US : http://www.amazon.com/The-Choosing-Annabelle-Jacobs-ebook/dp/B00FZVC1ZQ/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1382735616&sr=8-13&keywords=the+choosing

    Amazon UK : http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Choosing-Annabelle-Jacobs-ebook/dp/B00FZVC1ZQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1382735482&sr=8-1&keywords=annabelle+jacobs

    All Romance ebooks : https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-thechoosing-1323795-143.html

  • Win a copy of Breaking Point!!

    As we know, Breaking Point was released on Totally Bound yesterday!  Responses have been great to this story so far, which is AWESOME, and so to celebrate, I’m doing a giveaway!  Over this weekend, you have the chance to win a copy of Breaking Point! 

    But first, let’s start with some picspiration of the characters…

    First we have Matt…

    DanielCraig as Matt

    Matt in PoNR2

    Then there’s Kira…

    Point of No Return

    Here’s Cody and Arizona 

    Matt and Arizona

    And just so you know, I loved Arizona.  He started out a bit of jerk, but has since become one of Matt’s closest friends. 

    images (8)

    What these boys do…

    images (17)

    images (9)

    The violence of MMA
    The violence of MMA

    images (13)

    MMA fighters are some of the FITTEST sportsmen (and women) athletes on the planet.  Their training, fitness and dietary schedules border on extreme. I tried to portray this in Breaking Point with Matt’s level of fitness and endurance, without giving an info-dump and getting off topic. I also believe this level of commitment and what he continuously put his body through, contributed to his frame of mind, and of course the downward spiral we see him go through.

    Matt puts himself through hell, for what he believes to be the right reasons… it’s just one helluva price to pay.

    And there’s also an incident with a red jockstrap… 

    red jock

    Matt and Kira


    So for your chance to win a copy of Breaking Point, please leave a comment below, and if you’re so inclined, drop by my Author page on facebook and hit that little like button 🙂   https://www.facebook.com/N.R.WalkerAuthor  

    I’ll be picking a random winner at approx 9pm Sunday 27 October, Sydney time.  


  • Breaking Point Release Day!!


    Breaking Point is now live!

    Breaking Point, the sequel to Point of No Return, is NOW AVAILABLE!!

    You can download it from Totally Bound NOW!  Up to four weeks before it will be available at Amazon!

    Click HERE!!!! to buy!!  



  • Five minutes with Jay Northcote

    Five minutes with Jay Northcote

    When did you start writing?

    I used to like writing stories when I was a kid, but then I lost the habit as a teen and didn’t write any fiction for years. I rediscovered the joy of it when I started writing fanfiction as a hobby a few years ago, then I got hooked. 

    What do you love about writing?

    I think my favourite part of writing is when I get into that kind of writing trance where the words are just falling out of my head onto the page almost faster than my fingers can type, and the story is just flowing. I’m almost not even consciously thinking about it, it just kind of happens and it feels as though the characters are in the driving seat rather than me. It’s an amazing feeling–very satisfying. 

    Biggest pet peeve about writing?

    How hard it can be to get started sometimes. If I’m feeling negative about my words I just think myself into a corner and can’t get out. Being blocked is horrible. I also hate editing. Going through the words with a fine-toothed comb is so much less fun than splurging them all out in the first place, it’s a shame it’s so necessary! 

    Most hated word in the English language?

    Pustule *shudders* 

    Three most played songs on your iPod?

    That would definitely be some of the ones on my gym/workout playlist because I listen to that more than anything. So it’s probably Pink: Slut Like You, Flo Rida: Whistle and Rihanna: Rude Boy, because those are currently my three favourite tracks to get sweaty to. 

    Last movie you watched?

    That was Freaky Friday with my hubs and the kids on a family movie night. They laughed at me because I cried during the wedding speeches scene. Don’t judge me; I’m a ridiculously emotional person.


    Biggest regret?

    Not travelling more overseas before I had kids. I love travelling with them, but it costs twice as much so limits where we can go and how often we can do it. 

    Craziest thing you’ve ever done?

    One that I’m also prepared to share here? Well I guess shaving all my hair off to half an inch long all over and dying it shocking pink was pretty crazy. I had to do it in the summer holidays because I was a teacher at the time and it probably wouldn’t have gone down too well during term time. Then the day after I dyed it I went to Turkey on holiday. I’ve never had so much male attention in my life. It was funny at first, but after a few days it was starting to drive me crazy so I dyed it back to brown! 

    Place you’d love to visit?

    A friend of mine was in Hawaii recently and after seeing her photos on Facebook I really want to go there. It looks so amazingly beautiful.

    Three random facts about you that your readers don’t know?

    I’m half Welsh, I have three sisters and I’m a morris dancer. 

    Where do you write? (dining table, office, sofa, coffee shop etc)

    Usually at the kitchen table on my laptop. It’s the warmest room in the house in the winter, and in the summer I can open the patio doors onto the garden.  Plus it’s close to the kettle—I’m fuelled by tea. 

    From what/where do you find inspiration?

    Most of my stories come from a ‘what if’ – so thinking about characters and a situation and what might come out of that. The idea for Nothing Serious came when I was stuck in traffic behind a removals lorry. I got to thinking about how a removal man could meet a guy who was moving house, and that eventually led to Jamie and Mark’s story. 

    Favourite book of all time?

    I’m very fickle, I couldn’t possible choose just one favourite book. I have loved loads of books at different times and for different reasons. It really depends what mood I’m in too.

    I’m a little embarrassed to admit that the one book I might have re-read more than any other is Riders by Jilly Cooper. I loved it as a teen (because it was so smutty obviously) and it became my go to book in my twenties when I was tired/fed up/depressed because trashy novels cheer me up and are cheaper than therapy. I think if I read it now though, I’d be really disappointed by the lack of gay relationships in it. I’d probably end up shipping Rupert and Billy and want to write fic about them. 

    What’s next for you?  Any current WIP’s we should know about?

    My second release is following shortly after Nothing Serious. The Little Things is due out on 22nd November and then Not Just Friends is out in the spring.

    I’m currently battling with a WIP that’s tentatively titled Connections, but it’s fairly early days for that so I’m not entirely sure whether it’s going to work out yet or not. I hope so, because I love the characters already. 

    Tell us about your new release?

    Nothing Serious cover low res

    Mark O’Brien is finally being honest with himself. His relationship with Rachel is over and he’s moving out of the home they’ve shared for six years. They get along, but he can’t fix a relationship when the person he’s with is the wrong gender.

    Jamie Robertson, one of the removal men, is huge and ridiculously gorgeous, and Mark is smitten at first sight. When a cardboard box splits, revealing items of a personal nature that Mark never wanted anybody to see, he’s mortified. But it sparks the start of a beautiful friendship with benefits.

    As Jamie initiates Mark into the joys of gay sex, the two men get increasingly close and “nothing serious” turns into something rather important to both of them. But communication isn’t their strong point. Will either man ever find the courage to be honest about his feelings?

    Nothing Serious is available at Dreamspinner Press   <— click on link 🙂

    Jay lives just outside Bristol in the West of England, with her amazing, occasionally ridiculous husband, two noisy-but-awesome children, and two cats. She comes from a family of writers, but she always used to believe that the gene for fiction writing had passed her by. She spent years only ever writing emails, articles, or website content. One day, she decided to try and write a short story–just to see if she could–and found it rather addictive. She hasn’t stopped writing since.


    Website: www.jaynorthcote.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jay_northcote

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jaynorthcotefiction

    Jay’s books: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/index.php?cPath=55_953


  • Breaking Point excerpt


    I walked downstairs to find Kira cleaning up and putting things away. He wouldn’t look at me. “You sleep okay?”

    I nodded. “Yeah. You?”

    He didn’t answer. “We need to head back this morning,” he said instead. “I have to work tonight.”

    “Okay,” I said, turning around. “I’ll just go pack my things.”

    “You can have some breakfast first,” he said. He looked at me then. “Your eye looks better.”

    I shrugged. “I wouldn’t know. I haven’t seen it.”

    “You haven’t looked at it, at all?”

    I shook my head. “No.” I scratched my not-sore cheek through the four-day grown stubble. “I haven’t been game enough to shave, so I haven’t looked at myself…” I let my words trail off because I knew how pathetic I sounded.

    I suddenly wasn’t very hungry. “I’ll just grab a shower.”

    I’d no sooner walked into the bathroom when Kira was behind me. He surprised me. “What are you doing?”

    He put his hands on my shoulders and turned me around in the small bathroom so I faced the mirror. “Look at yourself.”

    I kept my eyes down. “Kira,” I started.

    “Look at yourself,” he said again, interrupting me. “Why won’t you look at yourself?”

    Because I don’t like what I see.

    Because I don’t know the man staring back at me.

    I shrugged, still unable to look at my reflection.

    He stood behind me and made me look up. I looked at his reflection first, his beautiful, sad and resigned eyes, and couldn’t bear to see the pain in them. It was easier to look at me.

    My hair was a dirty mess, my face unshaven, and the left side of my face from my cheek to my temple was dark purple. I had a cut above my eyebrow and dark red grazing beside my eye. My nose was swollen and cut along the bridge, with dark purple bruising from my nose down under my right eye. My left eyeball was bloodshot, the whole area was still swollen and the skin stretched tight.

    I looked like fucking hell.

    Kira just stood there, behind me, watching me. He didn’t need to say anything. It was written all over his face.

    I exhaled a shaky breath, blinking back tears. I looked at him and nodded.

    I was a mess.

    Kira turned me around, and I was expecting him to tell me I was a disgrace and that I’d ruined everything. But he didn’t. He leaned me against the bathroom counter, and turned the tap on with hot water to fill the sink.

    He took the shaving cream and spread it over my stubble, then with a love that almost broke my heart, he started to shave me.

    Without a word, he turned my face, lifted my chin and with such care and a gentle hand, he ran the blade over my skin. He concentrated on his task at hand, studying me, and taking the most gentle care with the left side of my face. There was nothing but love in his eyes, in his touch.

    I fought tears the entire time.

    He tapped the razor on the side of the sink one last time and pulled the plug. “All done,” he said softly. “Have a shower. I’ll start packing.”

    I nodded again, and by the time I could finally say “Thank you”, he was gone.                                 

    * * * *

    Matt Elliott
    Matt Elliott
  • Covers with new logo!

    So Total E-bound has had a makeover.  Now known as Totally Bound (see what they did there? lol)  and the new site looks fabulous, (see it HERE!) but we also got updated covers with the new logo!!  Aren’t they just soooo pretty?  





    Breaking Point is due for pre-release 25 October, from the Totally Bound site before a general release of 22 November. 

    Clarity of Lines is due for pre-release 13 December, from the Totally Bound site, and has a general release date of 10 January 2014. 

  • Breaking Point excerpt and buy links!



    (As seen on Totally Bound site HERE <– click on the link

    It was a usual Friday night at the bar. Except it wasn’t.
    My partners Mitch, Kurt and Tony were there with me. My boyfriend Kira was there too, along with my boss, Berkman, and most of the guys from my division. There were celebratory drinks, a tab on the bar and congratulations all round.
    I should have been happy. And part of me was. But part of me wasn’t. The smile on my face and laughs with the boys didn’t quite sit right, but the more I had to drink, the easier it got.
    “Here it is!” someone called out. “Turn it up!”

    The attention in the bar was drawn to the TV as the barman turned up the volume.
    “…in this breaking story, after almost eleven years, Detective Matthew Elliott has announced his resignation from the LAPD…”
    There were cheers and applause from around the bar, a few claps on my shoulder. Kira squeezed my thigh under the table. I smiled and lifted my beer in a salute before taking another swig.
    I hated press conferences. I had a healthy distaste for the media and the paparazzi and I hated having to put my life on display for the public. Yet there I stood in front of a dozen cameras and even more reporters about to give the biggest announcement of my career.
    It was ironic that the biggest would be my last.
    I was on screen announcing to the good people, and the not-so good people, of LA that I was no longer a detective. I was no longer a part of the Fab Four. I was no longer a cop.
    The questions started and I heard myself reel off the well-rehearsed answers on the TV. I’d given dozens of press conferences over my time with the LAPD narcotics division, and I’d never dreamed I’d be standing there announcing to the world that I was walking away from all I’d ever known.
    Yet there I was, doing exactly that.
    The questions on screen continued.
    “Can you tell us why? Why are you retiring, Detective Elliott?” one reporter asked.
    “Does this have anything to do with being outed as a gay cop last year?”
    “Where does this leave the Fab Four? Do you have a replacement?”
    “Are you planning a career in politics?”
    I laughed at that, on screen and at the table in the bar. Mitch, who was sitting across from me, laughed as well. “No plans for running for Governor? Come on,” Mitch joked. “You’d make a good politician.”
    I finished the last mouthful of my beer and pointed my empty bottle at him. Instead of telling him to get fucked, I said, “My turn to buy. ’Nother beer?”
    “Hell yes, if you’re payin’,” he slurred.
    I turned to Kira and leaned in towards him and asked, “Drink, baby?” He shook his head at me. I must be drunk if I’d called him ‘baby’ in front of the boys. Fuck.
    “Nah, I’m fine,” he said. “Someone has to make sure you lot get home okay.”
    “’M sorry,” I said, trying to apologise. “S’been a big day.”
    Kira smiled sadly. “I know it has.”
    I nodded, and stood up off my stool. I swayed as I made my way to the bar. I was drunk. It had been an emotional day, after an emotionally charged few weeks since I’d announced that I was leaving.
    It hadn’t been easy. It had been one of the hardest decisions I’d ever made, but it was the right decision. My partners at work, Mitch, Kurt and Tony, were surprisingly okay with it. My boss had warned me against it, but ultimately agreed it was the right thing, but Kira…Kira didn’t like the idea at all.
    He didn’t understand why I was leaving the department. No matter what reason I gave him, he didn’t believe me. He knew I loved my job, it was a part of who I was, he’d said.
    And it had been a bone of contention between us since.
    It wasn’t that he wasn’t being supportive. He just didn’t understand. I told him it was a decision I’d toyed with over the last twelve months, since he was abducted and tortured, beaten, held hostage because of me. And that wasn’t a lie. It just wasn’t the whole truth.
    The whole truth was something I couldn’t tell him.
    Kira knew there was something else to it. Of course he did. We’d been living together for almost twelve months, he knew me. And I’d never lied to him before. I’d never had to. And he knew I wasn’t telling him something.
    He’d get quiet whenever I talked about leaving, waiting for me to explain the truth, but I never did. The night I told him I’d handed in my resignation was our first real fight. He yelled, and I yelled back, and he threw a glass into the sink and I slammed some doors.
    We hadn’t spoken for two days afterwards.
    It had damn near killed me.
    A hard thump on my arm and a large hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my memories. My boss, my ex-boss, Berkman stood beside me and threw some twenties on the bar. “Whatever this man wants,” he told the barman.
    I ordered some shots of bourbon under the watchful eye of the man who’d been like a father to me. I looked at him and gave him the best confident smile I could fake.
    “You sure about this?” he asked quietly.
    I nodded. “Yeah…”
    The older man’s jaw bulged and he exhaled through his nose. “But?”
    I looked back to where Kira was sitting with Mitch and the others. “I’ve never lied to him,” I said, suddenly feeling every drink I’d had.
    Berkman nodded. “It won’t be easy.”
    “Mmm,” I agreed, swaying where I stood. I didn’t want to talk about it. Not here, anyway. Not that Berkman would have said anything. “Need another drink,” I mumbled, picking up a fresh shot of liquor. I threw back the bourbon and when I put the glass back down, the bar wasn’t as close as I thought. Berkman put his hands on me, I realised, to steady me. Fuck, I was drunk.
    “I’ll carry these to the table,” Berkman said, indicating to the drinks on the bar. Then he faced me in the direction of where Kira and Mitch were sitting. “You go that way.”
    The bar was loud and busy and as I crossed the floor, I bumped into familiar faces with pats on the back and rounds of good luck and best wishes. Berkman beat me back to the table with my drinks, and when I finally got there, everyone was smiling at me.
    I slid my arm around Kira’s shoulder and he manoeuvred me onto my stool and handed me a drink. I held up the single shot, and Mitch, Kurt, Tony and Berkman all raised theirs. Kira held up his soda and they all bumped their glasses against mine.
    “To Matt,” Berkman declared. “To the future and wherever it may take you. We wish you well.”


    You can buy BREAKING POINT from Totally Bound from October 25th, and from Amazon and ARe from November 22nd.

    The link to pre-purchase is https://www.totallybound.com/breaking-point   and you can check out Totally Bound’s new site!!  

  • Breaking Point, expectations and the opposite of fluff


    Are you ready?

    In less than two weeks, Breaking Point will be available for pre-release purchase from the TEB site. Which means you can buy it there, to read immediately, four weeks before it becomes available on other sites like Amazon. 

    Yes,  I’ve had a few releases. The nerves and anxiety do get a little easier with each one, but I doubt the trepidation of putting myself out there will ever fade completely. To be honest, I don’t want it to.  

    But this one is different.

    I’ve NEVER been this nervous about a release. 

    Will it be good enough? Will I do Point of No Return justice by continuing the story? Will people forgive me for the direction I take it?  

    In my opinion,  Breaking Point is the angstiest (like my new word?) thing I’ve written to date.  It’s also the most violent and grittiest, and not like my usual fluff and sunshine. At all.

    Breaking Point is based on the sport of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA, or cage fighting) so yes, it’s violent. 

    The violence of MMA
    The violence of MMA

    images (9)

    Adding that Matt, the main character, has masochist tendencies and is in a dark place, it’s not a particularly easy read.

    Matt Elliott
    Matt Elliott

    I know that most readers expect a certain style from me, and that’s fine. It’s great, even.  A reader knows, more often than not when they read something of mine, it’ll be romance (sickly sweet sometimes lol) and there’s a comfort in that, for a reader, knowing there will be fluff and rainbows.  That’s why I’m a little nervous, or a lot nervous, that people might not like Breaking Point because it’s so removed from my usual thing. I guess I just want to warn people before  release day that if you want warm and fluffy, this isn’t it.

    That being said, I also think it’s one of the best things I’ve written.

    It’s also possible this nervousness is completely unwarranted and people think my idea of angst is crap. LOL  Granted, I don’t read a lot of angst, so I have little to gauge by, but it’s one of the toughest things I’ve written. 

    Anyway, the book has gone through it’s final editing stages, so even if I wanted to change something, I couldn’t.  And I wouldn’t. I love this book, and am extremely proud of it.

    I guess I’ll leave it to the general public to read, review and judge accordingly.   I’ll just leave some story inspiration pictures and hope for the best.  

    images (12)

    images (13)

    images (14)


  • Oz M/M Meet 2013

    SYDNEY 11-13th OCTOBER

    Oz meet banner

    In just four days, Sydney is hosting the very first Oz MM Meet!!!

    Some very amazing people have been incredibly busy organising this event, and I can’t even begin to imagine the time and effort they’ve put into making what I’m sure will be a stellar weekend. Now Australia is a big-ass country, and  people are travelling from all over – even New Zealand and the UK – for this meet, and it’s going to be amazing!

    I’m so excited to be going!  

    I’m also ridiculously nervous.  

    Up until now, I’ve kinda flown under the radar, and I’ve never posted a pic of myself online. Okay, well I did once, but that was a while ago and it was an old photo so it didn’t really count.  I’m really nervous about meeting new people, and putting my face to the name and avi.

    But I’m doing it.  And I can’t wait!!

    You can check out the site for the event by clicking on the icon below…

    AQRM Logo_OfficialFull_transparent

    I have a small amount of swag to give away, including a hard copy of book or two.  If you live locally, we’d love to see you there!  

    So after next week, be prepared to see a ton of pics – of me, and a whole bunch of AWESOME AUSSIES who write, read and love M/M!!!  I fully expect to laugh til I cry, be in awe of the talented company I’ll be in, and rest assured there will be plenty of this 

    The Next Big Thing: Breaking Point and Blind Faith